A dispute whether the revised methodology of calculation of TV commercial effectiveness was ignited in Slovakia (actual 4% decrease in effectiveness for clients) is or is not deception of clients. Consultant Pavol Macinga insists that such procedure is, to say …
Lepšia reklama vďaka transparentnosti – preložený prejav Marca Pritcharda, Procter & Gamble
Prinášam pre Vás preklad kľúčového prejavu, ktorý k téme transparentnosti mediálnych agentúr a podvodom v digitálnej reklame zaznel 29. 1. 2017. Ide o úplný záznam prejavu Marca Pritcharda, riaditeľa pre značky, Procter & Gamble, ktorý predniesol na výročnom stretnutí Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), …
Slovak TV advertisers were deceived
Media agencies and televisions tricked advertisers – they secretly altered the methodology in people meter measurement as of January 1, 2017 and thereby artificially increased invoiced GRPs by 4%. Guests watching TV had not been included in the television audience …